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Animal health forms

Applications and forms for health certification, disease testing, and other veterinary medicine needs

Health certificates

There are 3 options to obtain certificates of veterinary inspection (CVI): paper, LA eCVI, and Vet CVI.

Effective April 15, 2024, the State Veterinarian issues REVISED Order of the State Veterinarian:

No dairy cattle exhibiting clinical signs or testing positive for Bovine Associated Influenza-A (H5Nl) Syndrome may be imported into Louisiana.

All dairy cattle entering Louisiana from states affected by Bovine Associated Influenza-A (H5Nl) Syndrome in dairy cattle will require permitting by the State Veterinarian and may be required to complete pre-movement testing as determined by the State Veterinarian. Permits can be requested through the Office of the State Veterinarian at

Paper CVIs



  • Vet CVI is a free app available to all veterinarians that can be downloaded on a computer or smart phone.

  • Veterinarians will need to create an account, and once approved, they can begin using the app to write CVIs.

Contact info

Veterinary Health Division, Animal Health and Food Safety